Messages from Diverse Sources
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Great Staging and the Mark of the Beast
171th Message of Jesus Christ to Melanie in Germany from January 9, 2025

Jesus has been present since the beginning of the prayer meeting. The various images that He transmits today are very much about celestial bodies right from the start. Stars, comets and a celestial body with a long white tail.
A kind of burning rock or stone appears again and again, falling from the sky and passing over the surface of the water. It does not fall directly into the water. It leaves a trail of fire and flies a path into the water. The meteor, which more or less falls or flies over the lake, triggers floods that engulf the houses on the shore. From the earth, one can see how the comet enters the atmosphere with its tail and flies through the air like a burning missile, soon to hit somewhere. It is not yet possible to see exactly where. It leaves a burning trail in the air for a few seconds.
Another picture shows the starry night from earth. Suddenly a few of these stars emerge. It becomes clear that these objects cannot be stars, even if they initially appeared to be. First, strange lights flash, then one realizes that it is a UFO with colorful lights on the underside that is slowly descending to earth. A cone of light emanates from the UFO towards the earth. A disturbing sight for the seer.
One gets the feeling that the UFOs are a big production designed to make as much of an impression as possible. This staged event is intended to draw everyone's attention to the “visitation” by extraterrestrial visitors. Jesus repeats that this is a set-up. It seems to be crucial that every citizen on earth realizes what is at stake. Obviously, the “visitation” should be as dramatic as possible. This event should attract attention.
Jesus warns urgently against this.
The feeling arises that the events surrounding the “aliens” could be connected to those of the comet. Now a large spaceship becomes visible.
Its color is black, partially offset with colored lights. The radiation emanating from this spaceship is extremely negative, frightening and threatening. The seer gets a big lump in her throat at the sight of it. There is an indescribable evilness emanating from this UFO.
It is also extremely large; so large that its surface area covers an entire city.
A yellow cab drives past skyscrapers - to be understood as a reference to the city of New York. The huge spaceship hovers menacingly over the cosmopolitan city. It seems to be the source of an attack, even if it is not yet clear exactly what it looks like. But something seems to be happening because all the people are running away. One feels like being transported into a film. Jesus takes another look at what is happening. The spaceship seems to emit pressure waves that cause a tremor. Again, it feels like an attack.
Now more cities appear with spaceships hovering above them: Dublin, Mexico City, Berlin. It will affect many countries and capitals, Jesus predicts. It will be an enormous staging. Everyone around the world will be aware of it. There is hostility emanating from the aliens, who will also be visible. They will not come in peace. These events will turn the world upside down.
The mark of the beast
Several spaceships now join together and send each other red laser beams. These lasers form a sign which makes it clear that Jesus now wants to speak about the dark adversary. He tells the seer that it is about the mark of the beast. The atmosphere changes abruptly. It is more than oppressive.
The seer feels as if something is being punched into the palm of her right hand. She is overcome with feelings of disgust and horror.
Jesus repeats the words from the Book of Revelation that it will only be possible to buy and sell with the mark of the beast. The horrible feeling that accompanies the mark of the beast and the corresponding period of human history is indescribable. It goes beyond fear and cruelty.
The mark causes total dehumanization, total perversion, total mockery of creation when people wear it. The coldness and cruelty are terrible and cannot be described in words.
Man will also try to merge a human being and a machine. The seer has the feeling that something has happened to her eyes (as part of the vision). It is as if she has a mechanical retina (comparable to the movie “The Terminator”). It means that the human being or parts of the human being themselves become mechanical, as if it were also a matter of connecting the human body to the Internet. One is then no longer human, but disconnected from being human - disconnected from human feelings and others, from life and from conscience. One then resembles a robot, completely numb.
Jesus' confidence
Jesus spiritually leads the seer to a higher point from where one can see over a wide area. He puts one arm around her and holds her sideways. He looks at her and says:
"You don't have to be afraid. You never have to be afraid again because I am with you. Once you have understood and internalized this, your life will become easier. Everyone who feels that they belong to Me can claim the same for themselves. Despite all the scary news, predictions and warnings, know that I’ll get My sheep to dry land and that they are always safe in Me.
I ask you to stay in your midst now! Perhaps you could practise 'switching off' your head and not taking every thought you think too seriously. Perhaps you also want to learn not to rush so far into the future with your thoughts. Because if they are not good or loving thoughts, they won't help you.
There are many among you who imagine, calculate, analyze how, what, when, something could happen on the basis of various prophecies.
I assure them that everything is going according to God's plan. Trust! This applies in particular to people who are very concerned with the future. To them I want to say that racing thoughts is also a form of control, because they think they already know and have thought through every detail before it happens.
Please realize that your power is finite, that you only have a certain amount of leeway and that God is the one who controls everything.
God is the highest power that controls the destiny of the world. You can entrust yourselves to this power and submit to it. That makes it easier for you. The way things are going is right. The processes will be perfect and correspond to divine order. Everything follows God's perfect plan. There is so much precision and perfection in it that the human mind cannot imagine. You can let yourselves fall into the feeling of trust."
This is where the apparition ends.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Source: ➥